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21' Nov' 2015
Why Religions imposed sexual purity on Men and Women ? : All the religions of the world imposed a ban on ‘prostitution’ and restricted men and women to be sexually loyal toward only ONE person in life that is the spouse. Pre-marital and extramarital sexual relationships of all kinds have been banned stamping it as great ‘sin’. As it has been common with any dictum or custom of the past, the reason for the above custom is also not known clearly. This is because, the ancient societies were all ‘heart oriented’- and they didn’t stress much on the ‘brain oriented’ thing - reasoning. Most of the people would not question – the rules and customs they were 

7' Oct' 2015
Types of problems in Life: Each thing is classified into THREE types in Hinduism. The Hindu scriptures are saying this as – thrigunaatmakam idam jagath - and so are the problems too, THREE in type. The thiguna – in Hinduism refer to the – satva, rajas and the tamas qualities. These 3 are present in every aspect of the life and the universe. For example the matter particles are three in number [electron, proton and the neutron]. Time too has three aspects – past, present and the future. The problems to the individuals too are of THREE types – depending on the three qualities [satva, rajas and the tamas] they exhibit. When these qualities are applied to the mind, in broad sense - Satva – implies goodness, rajas- implies selfishness and tamas – implies darkness or evilness.

28' Sept' 2015
What happens in Prayer ?: In prayer or meditation or in any spiritual practice in general, the main aim is to transcend the mind, to go beyond the mind. This happens in two stages, one is to make the mind stronger and the later step is not done by the devotee, but the mind will do it on its own, the mind breaks down on its own. The devote makes the mind so strong that after certain stage the mind breaks on its own, dissolves in the ‘god’ and there ends the matter, the complete blooming of the being happens at that point. So, only the first step is the point of concern. Here the devotee mainly grows by means of two things. One is using the ‘sounds’ [names] and the other one using ‘images’ [forms]. The Hindu philosophy says – the universe is made up of two things...

10' Sept' 2015
Are ancient Customs mindless?: Anything complex thing or system can come into existence only out of deep insight and understanding. For example – a theory like relativity could come up only after rigorous thinking and for complex thinking to take place very wise people are required and this could only give rise to sophisticated outputs. Such wise people [sages] were present in the ancient India and the result was the complex and obscure sciences [sastras] and they indeed built a complex society too in the ancient India, the society with many rules, regulations and customs. Only a complex system [or instrument] can do a great job and a simple system [instrument] can do but only a simple job. A knife is nowhere near an atomic bomb only due to...

31' Aug' 2015
3 - types of persons ! Find your type !: The Christianity says – ‘god is a trinity’. The Hinduism says – not only the god, but the world too is a trinity. Almost everything in the world has three traits or aspects.  My observation is that – people too are of three types as the Hinduism claims. Destroyers: The worst people in the world come under the ‘tamas’ type. These are the people who destroy the world, things in the world, wealth, or harmony in the world, or other beings in the world. These are the people who do some kind of harm to something in the world. They do harm something in the world in order to satisfy their ‘ego’. These are mainly governed by...

10' Aug' 2015
Need for sexual purity in men and women: Almost all the religions of the world imposed a ban on ‘prostitution’ and restricted men and women to be sexually loyal toward only ONE person in life that is their spouse. Pre-marital and extramarital sexual relationships of all kinds have been banned stamping it as ‘SIN’. As it has been common with any dictum or custom of the past, the reason for the above custom is also not known clearly. This is because, the ancient societies were all ‘heart oriented’- and they didn’t stress much on the ‘brain oriented’ thing - reasoning. Most of the people would not question – the rules and customs they were accustomed to follow, just they would take it for granted and follow without any suspicion. Because, they had such a great respect on the people...

30' July' 2015
Man is the last - in evolution!: According to the principles of Charles Darwin – the 'Human being' came into existence out of - 'Natural Selection' and "evolution'. Philosophical speculations on this will fire another question immediately - ‘why the human form had stopped to evolve into a still higher form’? The Hindu religious answer to this question is this – up to the human form there is a evolution in the physical form and ‘this’ is the last and the most matured of all the forms the nature can make. The nature has helped ‘us’ - up to this by producing the best ‘form’ from the primitive ‘single cellular’ being. Up to the human form – everything was done by the ‘nature’ itself and...

14' July' 2015
Why do we suffer ?: Although the world is full of problems - not all people are suffering from the same or similar problems. Different people suffer from different problems and the Hinduism gives two reasons for this! ONE - If you are suffering from a particular problem [suffering] then in the past, the Hinduism says - you did [created] a similar problem to others. This might be in this life or in some other life [birth] in the past [the issue of past life/birth – will be discussed in another post]. The scriptures will describe this as your ‘sin’ in the past and you have to suffer due to that according to the ‘doctrine of karma’ [Karma siddhant] here 'karma' means 'action'. TWO  - You are immature in that particular facet or dimension of yourself...

21' Jun' 2015
3 - types of students: A student in general will fall into one of these three types. A) idiot B) intelligent C) genius. Interesting point is that, the low level student [idiotic] and the top-level [genius] are similar to look at.  Both will drop the classes, drop the exams, fail in the exams, will get low grades, will sit in the last benches, etc.,. These are just some of the similarities in between the ‘idiotic’ students and the ‘genius’ students. This is like the similarity between the ‘madman’ and the ‘great philosopher’ – they look alike on the periphery. But, the reasons behind these two types of student activities are totally different. For example, if the ‘idiotic’ student fails the exam, it is because he/she is not good at the subject concerned, but if a ‘genius’ student fails the exam then...

11' Jun' 2015
Growing rape cases in the world: Even when the people are taught good things they will not do good things. This is not the fault of the ‘man’ but, this is due to the [Freudian] ‘libido’ present in the ‘man’. ‘man’ is basically an ‘animal’ and would always love to do the mean or bad things. The ‘libido’ always loves downward motion. The goal of all religions is nothing but, to cleanse the ‘man’ from this dirt present deep within. If the dirt is all removed the man turns divine. In the olden days, the people were in the grip of the religions and these religions were teaching all good things to the people. By hearing to these good teachings, the most people of the past were doing good things. It is an undeniable truth that even there were bad people in the past thought they were taught all good...

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