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18' Mar' 2016
Who is fool ? All or none - really ! : Speaking the truth, there are no fools in the world or all of us are fools in one or the other way! This might seem ridiculous. But it is cent-per-cent true. Depending on the situation some persons might seem to be fools but, they are not complete fools to the core and on the other hand those we look in lime light as ‘genius’ in fact might be fools in one or the other way. For example, Albert Einstein, the famous scientist is considered to be a genius all over the world but, if Einstein is asked to play cricket he would come out as an ‘idiot’ but, Sachin Tendulkar – the famous Indian cricketer, an idiot at science can do well at ‘cricket’. So, in a particular domain one might seem to be an ‘idiot’ but, NOT all the instances or domains. Each person has their own mental strengths and weakness and the concept of ‘Fool’ depends on this. If in one angle “A” is a fool...

18' Mar' 2016
Joys and friends - your real enemies! : Joys and friends – these are your real enemies! It might seem ‘crazy’ but, it is the reality when you look from the ‘spiritual’ point. First of all; ‘why anyone is attached to the world?’; simply because, they find joys and dear ones in the world. If you don’t have ‘joys’ and ‘dear ones’ in the world do you love to live in the world? The people love the world, they want to live in the world because – they love the joys in the world, they have attachments here in the world, they have ‘friends and relatives’ in the world. But, this ‘attachments’ though might be good from the worldly point, might be good to live in the world, they turn out to be ‘obstacles’ and ‘hindrances’ when looked from the ‘spiritual point’. Philosophy and religion teach us to ‘abandon’ the world in pursuit of ‘god’ or ‘heaven’ or the ‘eternal truth’. People are unable to go...

18' Mar' 2016
Realistic thinking – the REAL way to success ! : Often people talk about ‘positive thinking’ and boast that it can fetch you success. But, it is not true more often. You might have come across sayings like: ‘nothing is impossible you can achieve anything and everything’; ‘the word impossible can be found only in the dictionary of fools’ and the like. Do you think: anyone can do anything in the world? Nay – it is not the reality. The potential of a man is limited and with limited potentials how is it possible to do anything? It is true that certain people can do certain things and NOT all things in the world and NO one can do all things for sure. A bird can’t reach the Moon, a lion can’t fly like a bird, a fish can’t walk on the land, they have their own limitations and we the human beings too have our own limitations. In the process of evolution each individual has attained to maturity...

17' Mar' 2016 
3 – Types of works people do and their impact !  : Any work done by a person can be classified into one of the following 3 – types: A)   Good work B) Bad work C) Maturity giving works. Of course, all the above three classes of works will impart maturity on the individual concerned; the first two will give only very less maturity compared to the last one that gives only maturity. On the other hand the ‘good work’ and ‘bad work’ will yield, along with less maturity good and bad results respectively. I. e.; Good work  - > maturity + ‘good results’ in the future. Bad work -> maturity + ‘bad results’ in the future. The ‘good work’ and ‘bad work’ could be classified as follows: Good work: work that a human being is supposed to do, i.e., work that has humanity. Ex: doing your duty, charity, prayer, etc., Bad work: work that a human being is NOT supposed to do or work that should not be done...

16' Mar' 2016
With time and test one turns divine! : The birth of a diamond is not easy and it is wrought with immense troubles. The graphite present in the interior of the Earth turns into diamond after ages. This process takes a long time under a great pressure on the piece of graphite but, the time and test are worth it. The black and crude graphite turns into a dazzling diamond! But, this transformation is NOT easy and will not happen all of a sudden. Not only this, NO great work is done in a moment and without pain, unfortunately in this complex world. If you want to achieve great things you have to undergo a great deal of testing and it naturally takes long time to achieve the goal, no wonder in this.If something is done in a short time then it fades away soon and it is not great. Great things indeed require great struggle and long time to achieve. Take for example; the ‘pyramids’...

15' Mar' 2016
How to overcome troubles ? : It is impossible to find a person on the globe either alive or dead who didn’t taste some sort of trouble in life. We are living in the dualistic world – all things in this world have two dimensions for example; night and day, heat and cold, wisdom and ignorance, light and darkness; similarly – joy and sorrow are the twin brothers present in the world. The moment you experience joy – it implies that you would have to experience sorrow too because, these come together and no one can separate one from the other. Is it possible to separate the valley from the mountain? Is it possible to separate the wave crest from the wave trough? Nay - it is quite impossible. The moment you choose ‘day’ – you are choosing both ‘light and darkness’ together but, it is impossible to have only one thing in life - this is the in-built principle of this world...

15' Mar' 2016
Think of heaven while in hell !  : Often we come across people who often think or recollect the problems they faced earlier in life and spoil their present happiness. This is mere idiotic attitude. The wise way on the other hand is to think or dream of the ‘heaven’ while in hell in order to forget the problems and to lead a happy life. God, the creator has given us plenty of good things and ‘memory’ is one such faculty without which we or even no animal could survive. Without memory our lives would be miserable but, at certain times the same memory ruins our life when we misuse it. Being sharp is not the fault of the ‘knife’ when we misuse it. After all it is a ‘mindless’ knife and it can’t do anything on its own except to obey the orders of its user. A wise person will use ‘knife’ for useful purposes but, a fool will misuse it and will beget problems and pain. The same is the case...

14' Mar' 2016
3 – Types of persons and their jobs : Based on the type of work a person does – people can be classified in general into three types; A) Laborers B) professionals and C) Intellectuals. The lowest of these on the ladder is the ‘laborers’. This kind of people in general have a less ‘intelligence’ and are not fit to get any job that requires ‘average’ intelligence. So, these people will settle into jobs that demand no much skill or knowledge or talent. Generally these will do the low level jobs like: hotel servers, gate keepers, cleaners, etc. These class of people long for professional ‘jobs’ but, will fail to get as they are not mentally mature enough. Next level of people is the educated employees in general holding different degrees and diplomas. These people struggle to get the best education possible and consequently the best possible jobs that suit their caliber. These people struggle...

13' Mar' 2016
Thou will get thy own day! : This is a world of continuous change. The world is changing at every moment of time. Philosophers claim that nothing in the world is changeless but, ‘change’ alone. The Moon is changing, Sun is changing, oceans are changing, our minds are changing, even in the atom too – the electrons are changing positions, what not, everything is changing in the world. This is a boon as well as a curse too – depending on the situation. The rivers are changing into deserts, mountains crumble, cities fade into silent gravy yards, spring turns into deadly winter, etc., and these changes are painful indeed. On the other hand, dull moon is changing into full moon, spring will occupy the place of the winter lands, golden light of the dawn is flooding in the place driving the deadly darkness away, a sinner will mature into saint tomorrow. These are some of the...

12' Mar' 2016
Simple rule for happiness : If you want to be happy at the least you should keep happy those on whom you are dependent. For example, the carts-man has to keep the horse happy in order to have a safe and fast journey. If he fails to keep the horse happy, if the horse is in troubles naturally the journey will not be happy. The children are dependent on their parents. If the children can keep their parents happy – in turn the parents will keep their children happy. Similarly, the employee has to satisfy his/her employer so that the employer in turn would keep the employee happy. This holds good for any relationship and the Newton’s third law applies here too, how one entity acts on the other will determine how the other entity will react on the first entity. In order to maintain a happy relationship, the two entities involved should do minor sacrifices in order to make the other...

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