30' Mar' 2016
Why committed with wife / husband ? : All the major religions on the globe want the wife and husband to be loyal towards each other and condemn all sorts of extra material relationships unanimously. Here, I am NOT going to comment on the ‘sin’ of ‘it’, rather I will describe how you fail to grow or ‘evolve’ or how you are spoiling yourself, your ‘inner growth’, your evolution due to prostitution. Here, 'prostitution' implies just any extra-marital sexual affair. For any occurrences there will be many outcomes and for this too there will be many bad consequences, but I am focusing on the ‘inner’ deterioration due to the extramarital relationships. The Hindu religion includes ‘extra-marital’ relationship under ‘maha patak’, the ‘great sins’ and there should be serious reasons for it otherwise the sastras [scriptures] will not warn so seriously on the matter. Before telling the...
27' Mar' 2016
What is luck ? How it happens ? : Jack own a lottery prize worth one million dollars. Mulla was elected as the president. Ram's team own the prize in the series game. So on, so forth. Generally it is said that in all these types of cases, the concerned persons have an element of 'luck'. The term 'luck' is used in the day to day life in many ways all through the world, irrespective of religion, age, race or sex. But, what is this 'luck' actually ? The modern science has no answer to this exiting question and all the modern science could say is that just it is chance but, nothing else. But, fortunately the eastern religions have elaborate descriptions on this concept of 'luck' and how it functions. Here it should be noted that, unlike the western religions the eastern religions have the concept of 'rebirths' and the concept of 'luck' is based on the concept of 'rebirths'. The eastern religions hold the view that...
26' Mar' 2016
What happens after death ? : Different religions on the globe have different answers to this fascinating question: 'what happens after death?'. The western and the eastern religions have quite different views on the life after death. These two mainly differ on the issue that whether the 'soul' has rebirth after death or not. The eastern religions hold the belief that the 'soul' indeed could have rebirths after death but, the western religions predict that there is no rebirth after death and the 'soul' either goes to the heaven or hell for eternity depending on whether it had done good or bad deeds on the Earth. The aim of this article is to explain the major religious beliefs on the 'life after death' but, not to support any one belief or thought. As already mentioned, the western religions, mainly the 'Christian' and the 'Muslim' religions hold the view that, if the 'soul' had done good deeds...
22' Mar' 2016
4 – Kinds of jobs in the world : Broadly speaking there are 4 – types of works in the world that any person could do and consequently persons can be classified into these 4-types. These work types are as under: a) labor works b) skill based works c) knowledge based works and d) talent based work. Coming to the first type of work, the labor works – these are the works that doesn’t require much knowledge or skill. Anyone can do this work without pre-knowledge or expertise. The people doing these types of works are commonly called as ‘laborers’. Examples for these works include: weight bearers, sweepers, hotel servers, gate keepers, and the like. These types of works generally demand no prior experience or education; consequently these jobs pay very less salary. Skill based jobs on the other hand require prior experience in order to accomplish the work. This also requires...
21' Mar' 2016
Is poetry losing its place now? : This is the age of the technology. The modern day has seen the major technological inventions in the history known to the present ‘Man’. I. e., the ‘mind’ is dominating now. Naturally, under the dominance of the mind, the heart will lose its place. The mind has the habit of ‘dividing’ and observing; consequently the mind keeps the heart too separately and examines it; the heart is just a thing to be investigated and the mind will not give any respect to the heart; moreover the ‘mind’ doesn’t know how to love. The mind treats the heart as its subordinate but, not as its equal. But, the heart will not treat the ‘mind’ as such. The heart treats the mind as its equal. That is why in the ancient days along with the ‘arts’ the sciences too prevailed. The ‘arts’ and ‘sciences’ coexisted side by side – in the ‘heart’ oriented ancient societies. But, it is not...
20' Mar' 2016
Why Smoking is Sin ? : All the major religions of the world imposed a ban on - smoking, drinking and using drugs - and stamp them as 'sin’. The reason is not just religious but, scientific too. If you smoke or drink or consume any other intoxicant – in due course of time it [the bad chemicals that ‘come in’] will affect and spoil your reproductive system. Due to this your sperm-cells / ovary-eggs are spoiled and due to this your children will get the diseased genes from you and they will suffer due to no fault of theirs, though they are not taking the intoxicants. If luckily, your children escape from the jaws of these diseased genes that you are gifting them, these diseased genes will not terminate there as they will be latent in your children and the ‘diseased gene’ might exhibit its effects in some of your grandchildren or in your grand grand children or in your grand grand grand children...
19' Mar' 2016
Much talking could make you wise! : It is widely believed that intelligent people often talk less. But, it is also true that unless you talk a lot there is no chance that you could become wise as talking can't be replaced with reading, seeing, etc. Over talking is not bad if you talk deliberately. Without taking to others how can you get knowledge and turn wise? Talking is not bad, if you talk to know something; if you are inquisitive. In fact if you are serious and attentive, talking a lot is really good to become wise. There are no fools in the world. Everyone has some or the other kind of knowledge that you don’t have. Even the most ‘idiot’ in the world has something to tell you which you don’t know and more interestingly which you can’t know even from the most brilliant person on the globe. So, talking excessively is not bad, if you are really cautious. Each person has...
19' Mar' 2016
Blooming in knowledge causes pain ! : Any great or good thing will not come to you all of a sudden, like the lightening from the dark. You have to expense a lot of hard work before you could get anything that is really worthy. Majority of the people in the world give great importance to the money and wealth and they struggle in order to acquire a lot of wealth. In doing so, they will undergo many kinds of difficulties and hurdles and even then not all will succeed in acquiring the money they hope for. But, in the process of getting the money, whether they fulfill their desires or not, they will get some sort of maturity due to the struggle they make to acquire wealth – due to the struggle or plans they make. Looking in the other perspective, thought majority of the people are working for money or wealth – ‘wisdom’ or ‘knowing’ too comes to them along with the wealth...
18' Mar' 2016
The unseen makes you to dance! : The common man thinks that, they are solely responsible for their works and consequently to their outcomes, joys and sorrows as well. But, the eastern religions have a different view on life and the happenings in the world. While the western world believes on the saying that; ‘man is the architect of his own future’ the eastern world believes that ‘the man is just a puppet in the hands of God, the almighty’. The eastern philosophies claim that, ‘nothing happens here in the world or in your life without the will of God’. According to the Hinduism, ‘man is dependent on time, time is dependent on the planets, the planets are dependent on our previous karma [deeds], and our deeds are dependent on the God’. Though there are sequences of dependencies or controls but, ultimately the ‘man’ is under the control of the ‘god’. But, this is a...
18' Mar' 2016
You will get what you deserve NOT what you desire ! : We often come across people complaining that they are not getting what they want in life. They don’t get; their dream job, desired wife, enough salary and so on. Failing to achieve or get what they want, often people complain that god is not kind hearted and is not favorable to them. But, the philosophers claim that, “One will get what one deserves but, NOT what one desires” in life. God, the creator of so many worlds - can’t he fill your little house with peace ?; your little pocket with enough money?; your little heart with joy?. Is it not possible for the GOD ? Or is the ‘god’ is against you..? Nay – that is not the case. After all we are all the children of the ‘god’ he has no enmity toward us. God is not angry over anyone in the world. The father in a family will give whatever his children deserve. Can a father arrange marriage for...
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